Remember  Nick


Oddman >> Chat

Thanks for making and maintaining this site - had a blast back in the day. May rest in peace :)

Blaztek >> Chat

BZK Cup 05.06 - 03.07.2022 - Mopolauta

Virus >> Chat

hey 2022

Bludek >> Chat

:) hi

Blaztek >> Chat

Please come join us in EOL sometime soon, Oddman. )

Oddman >> Chat

Wow, it´s been so many years since playing Elma, good luck guys <3

Oddman >> Chat

Hey 2021 :)

Virus >> Chat

hey 2021

Blaztek >> pa75le02

So submit the time then by sending in rec. ^^, GG

Mira >> pa75le02

got 23:13 ^^


 » Secret Area contes

Secret Area contes

Monday 26 February 2007

I have made a new secret area contets. Obviously the goal is to find secret areas. When you've found, upload the replay here and I will look at it, and accept it if you indeed touches the secret area sign.

You can see who have found the most and who found which first here.

Xiphias [NK] at 2007-02-26 11:10:15

sent 4.. let's see if u'll accept them

Kopaka [LaMe] at 2007-02-26 13:32:39

There was little error in the script, so I only recieved ID307L02 and ID302L04, please try to upload again.

Kopaka [LaMe] at 2007-02-27 12:30:28

Still didn't work properly, I got ID304L02, so please upload ID305L02 again. It tested it myself this time, and it works now.

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