Remember  Nick


Oddman >> Chat

Thanks for making and maintaining this site - had a blast back in the day. May rest in peace :)

Blaztek >> Chat

BZK Cup 05.06 - 03.07.2022 - Mopolauta

Virus >> Chat

hey 2022

Bludek >> Chat

:) hi

Blaztek >> Chat

Please come join us in EOL sometime soon, Oddman. )

Oddman >> Chat

Wow, it´s been so many years since playing Elma, good luck guys <3

Oddman >> Chat

Hey 2021 :)

Virus >> Chat

hey 2021

Blaztek >> pa75le02

So submit the time then by sending in rec. ^^, GG

Mira >> pa75le02

got 23:13 ^^


 » Pack » MCHM

Höylä Mission by Abula [FM]


Höylä Mission is one of the most legendary contests in the Elma scene and the records are very difficult to beat. Almost all of the Höylä Mission's levels are possible to drive under 30 seconds, so they really are höylä levels.

Most recent activity
6 years: 13,56 in MCHM016 by Bjenn
6 years: 4,09 in MCHM015 by Bjenn
6 years: 4,09 in MCHM015 by Bjenn
6 years: 23,00 in MCHM014 by Bjenn
6 years: 15,93 in MCHM003 by Bjenn
8 years: 16,47 in MCHM042 by Adebis
8 years: 20,53 in MCHM041 by Adebis
8 years: 14,55 in MCHM040 by Adebis
8 years: 26,47 in MCHM039 by Adebis
8 years: 15,30 in MCHM038 by Adebis
8 years: 25,80 in MCHM037 by Adebis
8 years: 19,13 in MCHM035 by Adebis
8 years: 12,48 in MCHM034 by Adebis
8 years: 15,64 in MCHM033 by Adebis
8 years: 15,19 in MCHM032 by Adebis

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