Remember  Nick


Oddman >> Chat

Thanks for making and maintaining this site - had a blast back in the day. May rest in peace :)

Blaztek >> Chat

BZK Cup 05.06 - 03.07.2022 - Mopolauta

Virus >> Chat

hey 2022

Bludek >> Chat

:) hi

Blaztek >> Chat

Please come join us in EOL sometime soon, Oddman. )

Oddman >> Chat

Wow, it´s been so many years since playing Elma, good luck guys <3

Oddman >> Chat

Hey 2021 :)

Virus >> Chat

hey 2021

Blaztek >> pa75le02

So submit the time then by sending in rec. ^^, GG

Mira >> pa75le02

got 23:13 ^^


 » Welcome to next generation Kopasite

Welcome to next generation Kopasite

Friday 19 August 2011

Welcome to version 10 of Kopasite! This updates a lot of things but most important a new TKT levelpack, a new design, a restructure of the database and complete rewrite of the code which means a much faster site and something that is easier to improve on in the future. Click the comments link for the full news story.

Important things to know:
Times are now verified in EOL.
You can upload a replay with the upload time button in top right corner. Here you can also find an upload file feature for saving and sharing any files and a search feature for the site.
A few features has been stripped down, but most if not all will come back.
All data has been copied from the old site, including times and settings like friends ect.
Play the new TKT episode II levelpack!

Mats [TR] at 2011-08-19 07:40:44

Great job kopa:D, feels great pressing the upload button without waiting forever to update.

But what the addition to the new point system?

at 2011-08-19 10:14:18

I'm frightened :[ Naa, just kiddin', nice makeover Kopaka!

at 2011-08-20 00:04:29

Very nice)

sla at 2011-08-22 14:23:13

Amazing site. I really liked the record history from each level, very nice.

Ves [UHF] at 2011-08-30 03:59:27

New design is plateresque, for example compare to cybersquatters' work. But of course not so ugly as previous design was.

Amount of 1st/2nd/3rd places is really missing on new player's page (hope it's present in TODO), also "TheFaza0 24th 45,35 201 decades" looks suspicious.

Didn't notice any speed difference, old version was not slow for me too. Any numbers on performance boost?

Good that you do something, don't despair, I believe someday kopasite will grow to skintatious level if you keep working.

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