Smash Cup

 Level Designers

We need level designers for the new Smash Cup. The goal is to have a cup with high quality levels, from good level designers, however if you're not a experienced or known level designer, you might still be able to make a level that suits for the cup. So just open the editor and make a nice level, whoever you are. It doesn't matter if the level is nice with grass and stuff (I'll do that if not).

Send your levels to (Not all sent levels will be used).


The rules of the cup, is like normal cup rules. Here goes:

- There will be a new external level to download every week. What you do is to make as good a time as you are able to, and then send the replay with the needed info back to the us before the deadline, that you can see here on the page.

- Name your replay file like SCxxNick (where Nick is the first four letters of your nick), and please do not zip it.

- When sending your replay write also your nick, possible team, nationality and the real time of the replay.

- Send it all the

- And example mail would look like this:


Subject: <your nick>'s - Smash Cup #xx (xx is the number of the event)

Nick: xxx [team]

Nat: Denmark
Time/result: x:xx,xx

Attachment: SCxxNick.rec


- If two or more persons get the same time, they will get equal points.

- Apple bugs, bounce bugs ect. are not allowed.

- If you send the replay to late, the replay isn't right, or you write something wrong, you'll get punished according to the punishing model.

 Events and Results


File Designer Winner & Results Time & Replay Deadline
SCup01 Bonobo Red [AC] 38,98 Sunday July 11th 21:00 CET
SCup02 Ville J MP [CF] 25,87 Sunday July 18th 21:00 CET
SCup03 Kopaka Cave [MAN] 30,79 Sunday July 25th 21:00 CET
SCup04 Ramone The OooO [MAN] 1:05,68 Sunday August 1st 21:00
SCup05 tijsjoris The OooO [MAN] 29,48 Sunday August 8th 21:00
SCup06 Zebra Munkki [MAN] 29,59 Sunday August 15th 21:00
SCup07 insane guy Red [AC] 34,82 Sunday August 22nd 21:00
SCup08 Behk psy [.] 45,95 Sunday August 29th 21:00
SCup09 jonsta Cave [MAN] 42,07 Sunday September 5th 21:00
SCup10 juble Red [AC] 57,44 Sunday September 12th 21:00 CET
SCup11 BarTek BoneLESS [HHIT] 1:11,01 Sunday September 26th 21:00 CET


Overall Single player standings >>

Overall Team standings >>

Overall country standings >>

Click on File to download .lev file.

Click on Designer to see Screenshot of level.

Click on Winner to see full results.

Click on Time to download .rec file.


Points model will be made when the first event is over.


To see the first price for winning smash cup click here. Note that trophy will differ a bit from what shown here.